Rachel & Adam ~ Hazel Jane's birth story

When I met Karen, I could use three words to describe myself: Broken. Miserable. Lost.  I came to her after having a traumatic first birth experience, and I don't think I could have kept myself together if it all happened again.  When I met her, I knew immediately, she was the one! I felt her warmth, her truth, her love, her generosity of spirit, and her experience.  I decided to have a home birth, even though I was unsure of myself.  She believed in me.  I'll never forget coming into her home office and saying, "I'm just not sure I'll be able to do it."  She replied with, "Why not?  You got her in.  You can get her out."  Like, duh, it's a matter of fact silly girl.  I learned so much in that one moment.   I birthed. At home! I breastfed!  Plain and simple, in all honesty, if I didn't have Karen as my midwife, I would have had another C-section at a hospital, and I wouldn't be standing here as the woman I am today.  Whole. Happy. Sane.  Without Karen, and her assistant Lauren (who became a dear friend), my husband, and doulas, I would still be broken.  My experience with WomanWise led me down the path I travel now, with the knowledge that what I do is right, is important, is necessary.  Without the birth experience that I was able to achieve with Karen's magical hands, and vast knowledge, I would still be lost, on a lonely path, that leads nowhere.  More women should birth at home.  And those women need Karen Webster! I love her so much, and I am forever grateful to her for the blessing she gave me.  Sanity is priceless y'all.


Rachel Vorhauer, BAI CD, CCE

  Doula & Childbirth Educator

Karen Webster

daughter, sister, friend, mother, midwife, nana, teacher.